Anxiety ³

Anxiety ³ is a 3 session program created especially for teens and pre-teens (10-16yrs old).

Is a young person in your life struggling with any of these:

Research shows youth mental health problems have reached epidemic proportions. There are prolonged waiting lists and young people are in distress, living in a state of heightened stress and chronic anxiety. With many of their peers struggling young people are learning unhelpful coping strategies that may be harmful in the short or long term.

At You Hypnotherapy I provide simple techniques and strategies for improving mental health.

What’s involved?

Within each session we combine 3s:

The sooner you address these issues openly the easier it is to have a positive influence.

This age group commonly don’t want to listen to their parents and so the best option you might have is to allow them to talk with a trusted professional. Someone who can provide knowledge, strategies for changing the way they think and feel.

“When you know things can change you aren’t hopeless, When you know how to change you aren’t helpless”

I’m not here to diagnose, to label, or to pass judgement. My role is to provide guidance to your young person so that they have a new way to move forward thinking better and feeling better.

Get started today

Book here and I will help you with these 5 things: