During the pandemic, face to face hypnotherapy became impossible. Like many services I had to look for alternative ways to continue to enable my clients to access treatment, and moving to online appointments was a perfect solution.

Hypnotherapy is so effective over the internet that when the Health Centre I was based in closed due to lockdowns in Australia, I went full time online. In fact I worked exclusively online until 2024 when I resumed in-person appointments at Treehaus in Williamstown Melbourne.

World wide hypnotherapists reported that online sessions are just as effective as face to face hypnotherapy. It soon became clear that because hypnotherapy is a talking therapy, there is no barrier to positive life changes being made.

Using Zoom has been a seamless transition as more people are familiar with the platform. Online hypnotherapy sessions are easy to use and I will help you through the simple process of connecting online and getting the most from your hypnotherapy session.

Does Hypnotherapy work online?

You may be asking if hypnotherapy works online? Yes, online hypnotherapy is highly effective. In fact just as effective as face-to-face sessions. Clients are finding many unexpected benefits from online hypnosis appointments. Not having to travel and find suitable parking space, saving you valuable time from your working day or free time. Being in the comfort of your own home is an advantage for many, especially if you feel vulnerable discussing personal details. Perhaps the most impactful advantage is being able to access a hypnotherapist that you can trust, who offers the right treatment approach for you, who may not be local to you. My hypnotherapy clients come from regional or metropolitan areas, they connect from any state in Australia, and also from overseas.

Online hypnotherapy appointments give you freedom and choice

What do I need to have an online hypnotherapy session?

You will need a reliable internet connection, a computer, smartphone or tablet with a camera and a comfortable quiet place to sit.

I am happy to answer any questions you have either about hypnotherapy or doing hypnosis online. Fill in my callback form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. We can work out the best way to arrange an online hypnotherapy session.

Book an online hypnotherapy session and we can start working on making positive life changes right away.